Sunday, August 13, 2006


How to make the life more worth living? How to find an answer for it? Is Life itself a search for such answer? Who can tell me? Or I guess, I have to find the answer to it, by myself, with every breath and every heart beat. It keeps bewildering me, what does life, or the entity, mean to this world? What are we here for? Can anyone propose a clue?
I don't like to think it this way: since you're already here, you have to live it happier. I don't want my life to be just a dream. I wanna make it something that's meaningful to this world. Or the life would remain just futile, and be left in travail.
Yesterday, I read the beginning of a book. It is a posthumous work from a former CEO of KPMG, US. With this book he described his feelings, thoughts and reactions to the doctor's verdict that he had only three more months to live. Even so, he said, he was blessed. He used to lead a life that was always goal-oriented for the future. He had every plan set and organized. That was how it made him the CEO of KPMG. But the illness took all he had been accustomed to from him. And from then he can only think about things in tomorrow.
Nothing is meant to be, perhaps. And how intricate you have designed for your life, you'll never know what it will become on the next day. Right?

I am still looking for ways that my life will go on. I'm still in the mist. Maybe I'm even going astray now. I'll never know what I will encounter next in my life. But, first of all, I need to be braver, and more independent.

How would you live your life?

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