Friday, January 12, 2007


You must haven't heard of it, right?!
What's this for?
Actually it's the title of a new award-winning comic book drawn by Kay, Kay's sister and my beloved Susan. Kay graduated from a college renown for its solid training in visual art and highly creative, skilled and competitive graduates. Susan is a graduate from one of the best architecture department in the North America. Both of them have been working on comic drawing together for more than 10 years since their senior high. I have only seen half of their work, but if you like reading comic books, you will definitely find it worthwhile. It outshines many experienced comic books in its skills and style, you wouldn't think it is the debut for them.

Can't wait to read it!



95年度其他獲獎的作品有,佳作獎:葉明軒-「Awesome 新齊天」、阮光民-「It’s My Way」、石勝元-「世界封閉」、呂水世-「回家:Find The Way Home」、陳漢玲-「神來一筆」及張放之所著「寶貝熊」,每部作品可獲得新台幣40萬元獎金。新人獎得獎作品為溫大成的「Pizza Man」,獎金新臺幣15萬元;而最佳劇情獎則由獲得特優獎的「惡魔油膏」同時獲選。


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