Thursday, February 08, 2007


The ability to prioritize the to-do-list is an essential part of decision making, no matter in the work place or personal life. People can only live once. So I have to accept that sometimes, maybe most of the time, I have one single choice available.

Normally I don't like to read books that teach you "how to enrich your mind". Even several years ago when I read "Tuesdays with Morris," I was not moved that much as many people were. Perhaps it is because most of those books are written to "teach" its readers. However, in late 2006 I happened to pick up one book, written by former CEO of KPMG. It was his memoir, about the last three months in his life, after diagnosed brain cancer. He used "Chasing Daylight" as the book title, which I deem quite suitable. In the book, he was just narrating the life he had, and how he adjusted to the fact that his life would end at the top of his career. No advising, no instructing, no teaching. Just narrating and expressing. And the tone of the book is quite peaceful. And I saw a person really live the most he could till the last day. So touched I was.

As for priority in life, it may change through time. Now I think my wish to have a happy family still the same. But on the other hand, I have the feeling that I will be very agressive for my career / in my job if I am a man. Everytime I would sense an excitement when very devoted to my work. The accomplishment or a sense of achievement tastes great. However, I would also wondering: if I can really working for a sense of achievement? One of my customers quite often mentioned about his son. He said everytime he feels frustrated, he would look at the picture of his son, and thinking "you have to work harder. You have to be successful." So, maybe I can put it this way: when I am working hard to earn a better life for my loved one, during the meantime I can also enjoying the pleasure of success. On the contrary, if I am the only one to harvest, but no one to share my fruit with, success itself turns out to be not so important and attemptive.

In the pursuit of one's dream, one common aftermath is the effect/consequence that has never been foreseen. For example, a man works very hard to earn more money for his family, and it ends up his wife left him because the husband is always away and has no time to take care of her. That is the most dreadful part. I am the person that dare not to take this kind of risk. And I am still thinking about how to cope with it. Just one thing for sure, I need to have a stronger mind.

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