Thursday, April 05, 2007

British Accent

After this week I know I really like British Accent. We have one manager from our British office that speaks with a very very lovely accent, just like the way Jude Law does. It is not the heavy kind British one. There are just some tiny characteristic that so typically British. And during our talk, we know he lives in a very old house built in the 19 century, close to a big park. Also learn how British people have the afternoon tea. They do enjoy it. They usually have biscuit with the tea. And before they eat the biscuit, they need to "dunk" the biscuit into the tea for three seconds, not too short, not too long, just to make it soft enough to melt in the mouth. We joked this is because the British are too lazy to cheu.

It is very obvious when a British guy with an American guy together, the style and tempo are completely different, not to mention the way they talk. And in some way, I can sense how they are proud to be a British. But the American also thinks they British people always slower in taking actions. They are always in a hurry, haven't got time for a cup of tea. Always drown in coffee. Cultural difference.

Because of this week's getting around with the British guy, I am seriously considering visiting UK. I must see the Victorian style cottage, see the Big Ben, London Tower, and the London Egg (30 St Mary Axe).

I do think the Egg lovely. (Or should I say "Fantastic"?) And I have started to blame myself not speaking a British accent. (kidding) And perhaps a trip to Peter Rabbit's home town, Wordsworth's Lake District, Shakespeare and his Globe theatre.

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